Optimizing the Wi-Fi in your Gonzales, Texas home is key for enjoying constant connectivity, rapid loading speeds and a consistently strong signal in every room. Whether you’re dealing with remote areas that aren’t getting adequate Wi-Fi signal or the high cost purchasing network extenders, we can help. With the Calix GigaSpire BLAST Wi-Fi 6 router, you’ll get a single system that’s capable of meeting all your home internet needs.

Routers, Repeaters and Extenders

To truly appreciate the benefits of the Calix GigaSpire BLAST Wi-Fi 6 router, it’s important to understand how your home internet works and how your Wi-Fi signal is produced and sent out. Most people are familiar with routers and their functions. These devices are the gatekeepers to wireless internet access. Often connected to the internet source entering your home, they transmit internet data to smart TVs, tablets, laptops, mobile phones and other wireless devices.

Unfortunately, the average home is filled with obstructions that can block the signals that routers transmit. Everything from tall, heavy furniture to thick walls that divide your living space into individual rooms can serve as signal blockers. Wi-Fi repeaters are relatively small-sized devices that intercept router signals and then retransmit them. They provide service to remote rooms and other problem areas.

In larger homes, Wi-Fi range extenders may be used. Just as physical obstructions can impact the receipt and strength of wireless signals in remote areas, long distances cause issues as well. Wi-Fi extenders differ from routers in that they can operate at two different spectra: 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz. This allows them to receive internet data on one spectrum and transmit it along another. Although helpful, this essentially creates a new and separate network. It also requires users to manually log into the new network in order to access it.

The Calix GigaSpire BLAST Wi-Fi 6 Router Changes Everything

Throughout the years, internet signals have become increasingly powerful, and internet speeds have greatly increased. However, this hasn’t resolved every issue that can be experienced by a weak or restricted Wi-Fi signal. In part, this is because consumers are using more connected devices in their homes. Poor Wi-Fi signal can also have environmental causes. The Calix GigaSpire BLAST Wi-Fi 6 router may solve some of you Wi-Fi signal woes.

What Is the Calix GigaSpire BLAST Wi-Fi 6 Router?

With all the talk about the recent 5G rollout, you may be surprised to discover that the next generation of wireless is already here—Wi-Fi 6. The GigaSpire BLAST uses Wi-Fi 6E. Wi-Fi 6E leverages the 6G bandwidth, but it’s capable of operating at the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands. It also includes support for seven 160 MHz channels and as many as 14 80 MHz channels. The Wi-Fi 6E that’s leveraged by the Calix GigaSpire BLAST Wi-Fi 6 router minimizes the overlap in networks that frequently occurs in densely populated areas. It optimizes the use of bandwidth. It additionally boasts the highest Wi-Fi Alliance security certification available.

The Calix GigaSpire BLAST Wi-Fi 6 router can be seamlessly integrated with existing Wi-Fi infrastructure or used in your home as a standalone solution. This router is powerful enough to service all levels and remote areas of the building on its own. It’s also part of a fast-expanding portfolio of Calix GigaSpire devices that can be used to customize Wi-Fi infrastructure to perfectly suit the needs of individual households at an affordable cost. With this router, you can enjoy reduced latency and the ability to control multiple aspects of your Wi-Fi service right from your mobile phone.

At GVEC Internet, we offer home internet and Wi-Fi optimization services to residents of Gonzales, TX and the surrounding area. This includes rental of the Calix GigaSpire BLAST Wi-Fi 6 router for a low cost of $6 per month. This is an affordable way to enjoy high-end technology, and it provides peace of mind as our customer service representatives are trained to troubleshoot GVEC equipment if needed. And of course, if the router ever needs replacement, that’s included at no additional cost. Additionally, renting a Calix GigaSpire Blast Wi-Fi 6 router give you access to using the GVEC WiFi app, allowing you to have complete control of your home network conveniently, from you mobile device. To find out more about the Calix GigaSpire BLAST Wi-Fi 6 router, call GVEC Internet today.

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